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The Role of a Sponsor

A sponsor is a spiritual companion and guide who gives spiritual help and encouragement to a person who is preparing to receive Confirmation. "The sponsor's function is to take care that the person confirmed behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the duties inherent in the sacrament" (Code of Canon Law 892)

The Church requires that a person meet certain requirements in order to serve as the
sponsor of a candidate for Confirmation. These basic requirements, which are named in the Code of Canon Law and are connected to the requirements of sponsors for Baptism. (Code of Canon Law 872-874)

FAITH: The person be a practicing Catholic who has received the three Sacraments of
Christian Initiation and lives a life of faith that serves to guide and motivate the candidate


AGE: The person be sixteen years of age or older, unless the regulation of the diocese state a different age, or the pastor judges there is a just reason for an exception to be made.

RELATIONSHIP TO THE CANDIDATE: It is desirable that the Confirmation sponsor be one of the candidate's baptismal godparents because Confirmation continues and deepens the grace of Baptism. The parents of the candidate are not to act as their child's sponsor for Confirmation.


In short, a sponsor must...


  1. Be an active, practicing Catholic

  2. Not be one of the candidate’s parents

  3. Be at least 16 years of age

  4. Have received the Sacrament of Confirmation

  5. Be receiving the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist frequently

  6. Be married in the Catholic Church, if married

  7. Plan to maintain an ongoing relationship with the candidate in order to promote the candidate’s lifelong spiritual growth. 

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