Gifts and Charisms
At the May 7th Prymer Session "#BeExcellent" a Gift assessment test was administered to assist the teens in discovering their gifts and charisms. Below is a list of some of those gifts. This is posted for the teens to reference:
DEFINING THE CHARISMS/GIFTS Note: These are only a FEW of the many spiritual gifts that are presented throughout Sacred Scripture.
1) Administration: the gift that enables a believer to formulate, direct, and carry out plans necessary to fulfill a purpose.
a. Example: Parish Council Youth Representative, Catechetical Youth Volunteer, Vacation Bible School Volunteer, Youth Ministry Committee, Youth Leadership Team
2) Artistry: the gift that gives the believer the skill of creating artistic expressions that produce a spiritual response of strength and inspiration.
a. Example: Banner Maker, Church Film Maker, Church Photographer, Sets/Props, Decorating Team, Crafts/Handicrafts, Skits for Retreats, Plays,
3) Discernment: the gift that motivates a believer to seek God's will and purpose and apply that understanding to individual and Church-related situations.
a. Example: Parish Council, Youth Planning Team, Confirmation planning team, Social Ministry Team, Peer Counseling, Support group facilitator, small group leader
4) Evangelization: the gift that moves believers to reach nonbelievers in such a way that they become active members of Our Catholic community and desire to participate in the Sacraments
a. Example: Invite friends to youth group, welcoming committee, Evangelization committee, advertising and marketing team for youth ministry, community visitations
5) Exhortation: the gift that moves the believer to reach out with Christian love and presence to people in personal conflict facing a spiritual void.
a. Example: Emcee for Youth Ministry events, Worship Leader, Rally Energizer, Small group leader, peer counselor
6) Faith: the gift that gives a believer the eyes to see the Holy Spirit at work and the ability to trust the Holy Spirit's leading without indication of where it all might lead.
a. Example: Youth Ministry Leader, Small group facilitator, Confirmation sponsor, Bible study leader, youth ministry speaker
7) Giving: the gift that enables a believer to recognize God's blessings and to respond to those blessings by generously and sacrificially giving of one's resources (time, talent, and treasure).
a. Example: Stewardship council youth representative, social ministry outreach, fundraiser for the underprivileged, campaign team for less fortunate, volunteer outreach for community service
8) Hospitality: the gift that causes a believer to joyfully welcome and receive guests and those in need of food and lodging.
a. Example: Youth Ministry Greeter, Parish Usher, Youth Ministry Tour Guide, Visitor Welcome/Information Center, Youth Social Host/Hostess, “Buddy” to youth group visitors
9) Intercession: the gift that enables a believer to pray with the certainty that prayer is heard and when requests are made, answers will come.
a. Example: Prayer warriors during retreats, Prayer partner, lead group prayers, lead youth ministry pray overs, lead prayers for youth ministry nights and confirmation classes
10) Knowledge: the gift that drives a person to learn, analyze and uncover new insights with regard to the Catholic Faith and the Bible
a. Example: Parish Youth Council, Youth Retreat Planner, Small Group Bible Study Leader, Youth Ministry Core Team, Confirmation Youth Team
11) Leadership: the gift that gives a believer the confidence to step forward, give direction and provide motivation to fulfill a dream or complete a task.
a. Example: Catechetical leader, Youth Council chairperson, Youth retreat leader, Vocations Bible School Coordinator, Ambassador of Parish Youth Ministry, Youth group activity planner
12) Mercy: the Gift that motivates a believer to feel deeply for those in physical, spiritual, or emotional need and then act to meet that need.
a. Example: Homebound/Hospital Visitation Coordinator for youth ministry, Social Ministry team, youth support group leader, peer ministry
13) Music--Vocal: the gift that gives a believer the capability and opportunity to present personal witness and inspiration to others through singing.
a. Example: Worship leader, church-choir vocal ensemble, youth ministry reflection song leader, Vacation Bible School Song Leader, Christian/Catholic Song Writer,
14) Music--Instrumental: the gift that inspires a believer to express personal faith and provide inspiration and comfort through the playing of a musical instrument.
a. Example: Worship band, Retreat band, Worship leader, Christian/Catholic songwriter, Special event music coordinator, Vacation Bible School Music coordinator, Mass instrumentalist
15) Pastoring (Shepherding): the gift that gives a believer the confidence, capability and compassion to provide spiritual leadership and direction for individuals or groups of believers.
a. Example: Confirmation sponsor, Peer Support, Small group leader, youth minister, youth ministry advocate, small group leader mentor, “buddy” to new youth ministry visitors, leader of “check-ins” at youth ministry nights
16) Service (Helps): the gift that enables a believer to work gladly behind the scenes in order that God's work is fulfilled.
a. Example: Operate audio/visual support, decorate for special events, parish bulletin assistant, set-up/strike out team during youth events,
17) Skilled Craft: the gift that enables a believer to create, build, maintain or repair items used within the Church. a. Example: Create stools, tables and/or chairs for the Church, Youth ministry web-page developer,
computer maintenance, audio/visual operator and repair, youth ministry room maintenance/upkeep
18) Teaching: the gift that enables a believer to communicate a personal understanding of the Catholic Faith and the Bible in such a way that it becomes clear and understood by others.
a. Example: Youth Ministry Speaker, Bible Class Leader, Confirmation small group leader, adult computer class trainer
19) Wisdom: the gift that allows the believer to sort through opinions, facts and thoughts in order to determine what solution would be best for the individual believer or the community of Catholics/Christians.
a. Example: Long range planning committee, youth parish council, support group leader, youth ministry leadership, peer leadership,
20) Writing: the gift that gives a believer the ability to express truth in a written form; a form that can edify, instruct and strengthen the community of Catholics/Christians.
a. Example: Parish Bulletin contributor, newsletter article editor/writer, Public Relations/Publicity Committee, Letter Writing, Youth Newsletter, Youth Column for Parish Bulletin, Poetry Writing, Catholic Spoken Word Poetry